
The main constituent of nearly all Thai meals is rice. Meals consist of a number of dishes which are not individual courses but rather an opportunity to try more. This also provides for a more balanced diet. Thai Gold Jasmine rice is grown using organic rather than conventional farming practices. Research has clearly shown that there are definite proven health benefits to eating organically produced products. Organic farming helps protect and preserve the environment without altering or controlling the natural soil. We as consumers of these foods naturally benefit from this dedication. Worldwide people of all ages reap the health benefits from eating rice. Rice is also suitable for consumption by vegans, vegetarians and also coeliacs as it is gluten free.

Vitamins and minerals

Rice is rich in the B vitamins, thiamine (B1), ribloflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic (B5), folic acid (B9). Rice has a low sodium content and contains beneficial quantities of potassium. Rice contains no cholesterol and only traces of fat. An average portion (50g) of rice contains 245 kcal and 11% of the estimated average daily requirement of protein. The following B vitamins are to be found in brown rice

B1 Thiamin: Brown rice is a natural source of thiamin or also known as B1. Thiamin has also been referred to as the 'moral vitamin' due to links with maintaining mental health. B1 helps digestion and aids the release of energy from carbohydrates by creating glucose. Thiamin helps maintain the heart beating as well as being necessary for nervous system function.

B2 Riboflavin: The main functions of riboflavin are to help maintain the digestive system, nervous and respiratory. B2 also helps in the prevention of eye problems such as cataracts. B2 is known to promote red blood cell growth, help regulate cell growth and help with the release of energy from food. Riboflavin helps maintain healthy skin, nails and hair.

B3 Niacin helps with the nervous and digestive system functions. In addition niacin stabilizes blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, the production of sex hormones and release energy from food. Humans are capable of producing niacin using tryptophan and vitamin B6

B5 Pantothenic acid helps metabolise nutrients, manufacture antibodies and produce vitamin D. B5 helps wounds to heal quicker. Pantothenic acid is known as an antioxidant and is manufactured by intestinal bacteria and also found in food.

B9 or Folic acid or Folate helps form red blood cells and genetic material. Folic acid is beneficial in the early stages of pregnancy in preventing diseases such as spina bifida. Vitamin B9 works in conjunction with vitamin B12 and the other B vitamins.

Complex Carbohydrates

Rice contains complex carbohydrates. This means that both starch and fibre are present. Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly by the body resulting in energy being released over a longer period of time. Brown rice contains almost three times more fibre than white rice. Fibre has two forms, namely soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre is broken down by the body as it passes through the digestive forming a gel which sticks to cholesterol thus allowing it to be removed from the body. Soluble fibre helps regulate sugar levels, control diabetes, prevent heart disease, decrease insulin needs and prevent insulin spikes by slowing down the digestion of food. Insoluble fibre helps prevent bowel cancer and fights constipation.